How to reduce stress ?

16 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Health is wealth… !!!!!! Daily jump 108 times.. or walk on pebbles.. a drug less.. cure for major health issues.. including tension and stress.Research has proven that taking a walk in the park really shifts your brain into a calmer state. A study conducted in UK found that walking through green spaces can put your brain into a state of meditation. The act is believed to trigger “involuntary attention”, a process that helps you hold attention while also affording reflection. Practice walking meditation in any of your favorite parks or neighborhood and enjoy the benefits of adequate physical activity along with relaxing your mind & increasing awareness.
Staying outdoors help in reducing stress
If you need more reasons to take a walk in the park, let us tell you that spending time with nature has been linked with reduction in stress. A number of research have stated that the time spent outdoors help in relieving stress, improve memory, & attention. Even in winter, a simple stroll outside can help you improve your memory and attention span by 20 percent. You can also increase your energy levels considerably by walking outdoors. Cultivate a habit of walking outside for 20-30 minutes regularly per week to relieve stress and boost your brain activity.
Walking helps release stress-busting endorphins
Similar to any cardiovascular exercise, brisk walking helps in endorphin release, which helps reduce stress hormones & battle mild depression. Regular workout coupled with feel-good endorphins can help improve mood and self-esteem.
Walk with a friend for added benefits
Ask your best buddy to tag along while walking for added stress-relieving benefits. Make walking a group activity and see your social bonds going strong along with improved stress resilience & lower levels of stress hormone cortisol. Going for a walk with your loved one or your pet also helps in lowering blood pressure and decrease the secretion of cortisol.

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